Why attend

Immerse yourself in live demos, discussions and debates

From hands-on interactive workshops where ideas flow freely, to networking with pioneers at our vibrant exhibits, or gaining insights at our speaker stages – discover the future of data science and machine learning. Every moment offers a new chance to dive in and be part of the conversation.

Engage with the leading AI experts

AI UK brings together an extraordinary lineup of speakers, discussion chairs, and workshop leaders. World-leading academics, industry trailblazers and research innovators from across the vast spectrums of data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning are ready and waiting to engage, collaborate and exchange ideas.

Gain access to the latest curated AI research and developments

From talks on cutting-edge updates in AI, through live discussions and debates featuring world-leading thinkers, to bite-sized lightning talks and myriad interactive demonstrations of state-of-the-art developments, each moment is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the extraordinary landscape of AI and data science in the UK.

Connect with like-minded academics

With dedicated networking and community-building spaces and events across both days of AI UK, throughout both days there will be plenty of opportunities to meet and collaborate with fellow academics and researchers, as well as leading policy experts from every area of the AI ecosystem.

Catch up on past highlights

Advancing AI Safety: Standards and International Cooperation

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Autonomous Cyber Defence: From Lab to Ops

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Putting LLMs to Work

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