Why attend
Artificial intelligence (AI) can help make decisions and processes in your organisation both faster and simpler in an ever-growing and key number of ways. Machine learning and data science are being used at every level to give organisations, charities, councils and other public and third sector bodies a cutting-edge advantage; but ethical use is paramount.
At AI UK, you’ll be surrounded by the best and brightest in today’s AI ecosystem, who’ll be demonstrating the latest ethical data science innovations, giving talks on their cutting-edge inclusive research, running workshops, and forging partnerships.
It’s a truly exciting time for the UK’s AI landscape. And that means that not only do you have access to our packed agenda of innovative sessions and lightning talks led by trailblazing minds and innovators, but you can also get to know them – as well as catch up with your own sector peers – at the showcase’s networking events. What’s more, you’ll be able to dip into a great variety of live, interactive applied AI technologies in action through our demonstrations; hear the development and implementation stories from the minds behind and tech, and learn from and be inspired by their stories.