Christopher Windows-Yule

Director of Innovation, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Dr Kit Windows-Yule is a a two-time Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellow, a Royal Society Industry Fellow, and Director of Innovation for the University of Birmingham’s College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. He is also a Research Ethics Reviewer for the Alan Turing Institute, a role which advises on the ethical implications of work performed by and through the Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence, and an Innovate UK BridgeAI Independent Scientific Advisor. His research interests concern the dynamics of particulate, fluid, and multiphase systems, and the development of novel experimental, numerical, and ML/AI methodologies through which these systems can be explored. He works closely with numerous industrial partners in the chemical, defence, food, pharmaceutical, and other sectors, applying these techniques to solve significant open problems in their respective fields.

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